Prayers for the Dying
““If you would do an act that would endear you to your Lord, pray for the Dying””
Mary Potter experienced a strong call within her, to pray for the dying of the world and to extend God’s compassion to those who are dying. As Little Company of Mary Sisters, Associates and Affiliates we are constantly called to pray for the dying; those dying in mind, body or spirit, wherever or whoever they may be.
““Eternal Father, by the death of Jesus,
save the dying
Jesus, by your infinite compassion
show compassion to the dying.
Loving Spirit of God,
have mercy on the dying
Maternal Heart of Mary,
more loving and suffering
than the hearts of all mothers,
implore God’s mercy for the dying.””
God our Father, through the Precious Blood of Jesus your son shed on Calvary, and in union with Mary at the foot of the cross, we pray and ask you to bless and comfort: -
All who are homeless, weary, hungry, depressed, sleepless and lonely
All who are sick and suffering in soul, mind or body
Those for whom today will be their last day on earth
Those whose deaths are sudden and unexpected
Those who will die alone, without priest or sacraments, relatives, friends or neighbours
Those unreconciled with God and family
Those trying to turn to you in their last hour
Those who are afraid to die
All God’s people who are dying – believers and non-believers
Pear Tree Cross
The wood, of this cross, comes from the pear tree that grew in the back garden of the Sisters’ first Convent of the Maternal Heart, Hyson Green
The Last Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross
Father forgive them for they know not what they do.
Amen, Amen I say to you,
this day you will be with me in Paradise.
Woman, behold your Son
Son, behold your mother.
My God, my God,
Why have you forsaken me?
I thirst.
It is finished.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.