Reflection on Associate Retreat Day at the Mary Potter Heritage Centre

As I walk into the audio-visual room I see the picture of ‘The Holy Spirit’, the oranges and reds and swirls of flames. The red-hot warmth of those rich, intense colours; the fire of the Holy Spirit. As we sing our first song we speak of breath; of the Holy Spirit entering us in each breath, filling us with fire… I sit in front of the Pear Tree Cross, a cross made from the wood of the pear tree that sat in the garden of the very first Little Company of Mary convent in Hyson Green, taking in the figure of Christ as he suffers; the blood at his wounds, the sound of water as it trickles; through the death of Jesus flows new life, new spirit.

Fire, flame, air, breath, water flowing,,, Is the Holy Spirit moving its way through all these elements; these natural resources …. to me? Does its flame penetrate my heart? Does its water flow through my veins? Does its presence in the air I inhale spread into my every cell, regenerating as I regenerate, every day, minute, moment?

I imagine that in suffering and sickness we always have the Holy Spirit within, therefore even at our weakest both mentally and physically, we have nourishment. Our spirit prevails… an involuntary process. Just accept it as we accept the air we breathe. Is this our soul, so deep within our bodies that it can never be seen, only felt?

I wonder if Mary Potter found her strength through the Holy Spirit. In the depths of her physical pain she must have completely relinquished her being and soul to God.

You can only move forward if you let go … I have complete faith because Our Lady’s maternal love will guide me and protect me. To give in is to offer up…

Teresa Pacey-Devlin

LCM Associate